Reviewing Candidate CVs On Social Media – One False Step Can Lead To Fatal Consequences

August 10, 2022
The growth in popularity of social media, especially short-video platforms such as TikTok has given rise to the trend of reviewing candidates’ Curriculum Vitae (“CV”) many HR. But HR should be reminded to maintain their professionalism even when online if they do not want to experience a social media crisis.

Be careful with what you are sharing
Reviewing and sharing tips for candidates to improve their CVs is quite common among many HR. Recently, the popularity of social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok has turned this into an increasingly viral online trend. Each reviewing CV video can attract up to hundreds of thousands of views, therefore turning HR experts into KOLs that are the most famous among candidates.
Hoàng, an engineering student at a famous university in Ho Chi Minh City, said: “I got rejected many times when I first looked for job. I guess it was because my CV was not well-organized or sufficiently highlighted my strengths. But it was difficult to connect with HR professionals to have my CV looked at. Since the trend of reviewing CVs on TikTok, my CV can easily be reviewed, and input just by sending an email to the HR experts, career consultants on the platform.”
However, this trend might turn into a social media crisis and be out of control if HR exceeds their limits. Recently, a screenshot from a CV with a candidate’s personal information was publicized by HR and the situation became worse when this HR commented on this CV with a sarcastic and teasing voice. Many netizens expressed their anger against this action since they claimed that HR was unprofessional when posting the candidate’s personal information on social media.
According to Ms. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hương, Deputy CEO of Talentnet: “Social media is a double-edged sword. HR professionals can demonstrate their knowledge thereby building their personal branding through social platforms. However, if HR is not careful, they can lose their professionalism by publicizing candidates’ personal information, becoming increasingly biased with over-emotional inputs, and thereby opening the way to a social media crisis. HR should remain professional whether online or offline.”
3 tips for HR to navigate the reviewing CVs trend
Here are the “secrets” Ms. Thanh Hương shares to help HR maintain their professionalism when sharing and reviewing candidate CVs on social platforms:
The consent of the candidate: No one wants their personal information to be turned into an open discussion without their permission, even with good intentions. HRs should give candidates head-ups about the pros and cons when sharing their CVs online, thus setting the limits of what to share, and what not beforehand.
Always be objective: HR should avoid subjective comments or criticism for CVs that do not meet the standards. Commenting on mistakes and providing solutions to improve candidate CV will help create a professional image of HR in the eyes of candidates and others.
Maintaining utmost confidentiality of candidates’ personal information: A CV contains various personal information of the candidate such as name, age, phone number, email, and work experience. The act of sharing candidate information not only shows the lack of professionalism but also causes HR to meet with legal issues. HR should consider covering candidates’ personal information when sharing and focusing more on commenting on how the candidate deploys their work experience or develops skills.
“Candidates, especially the young generation, always seek professional guidance to effectively prepare for their career path. Amid the social media booming, sharing, and commenting on candidate CVs on social platforms helps level up the quality of the candidate pool, adding value to the community. On the other hand, HR is recognized as professional and dedicated HR professionals.” – shared Ms. Thanh Hương.
Source: VIR