Soft Power: The Strategy To “Soften” The Employees

May 17, 2022
In 2022, “soft power” has proven its practicality in managing employees when workers are demanding empathy and respect rather than usual regulations and policies.

Businesses are concerning the fact that many employees are working 2 jobs
According to the research of Forbes, 50% of American workers are working 2 jobs, even when they are having a stable full-time job. The workforce is no longer dependent on the salary from full-time work, instead, they supplement their financial income in many ways.
Commenting on this change, Ms. Tieu Yen Trinh, CEO of Talentnet pointed out: “Having 2 jobs at the same time helps employees increase their value in negotiating with businesses. And instead of pressuring the employees to stop, or prevent them from doing so, all of which can deteriorate the relationship between employees and employers, leaders can apply “soft power”, creating favorable conditions for employees to work both jobs at the same time. This is also the solution for HR in building a 2-in-1 people management strategy that satisfies employees as well as pleases the boss”.
There is great force hidden in a sweet command – An effective employee retention strategy
Harvard professor, Joseph Nye Jr., emphasizes that “”soft power” in business is based on the attraction of shared values and the responsibility of contributing to achieving those values. Through cooperation, employees – businesses live together peacefully to work towards common goals and results”.
For the “soft power” strategy to apply to the right people at the right time and tighten the business-employee relationship, Talentnet expert gives 02 management tips as follows:
“Striking” in the psychology of new recruits on the first day: core and sustainable values of businesses should be communicated on the on-boarding day. Furthermore, employee benefits, as well as flexible time policies, should also be conveyed.
Building the “There is great force hidden in a sweet command” strategy for workers: The HR department should focus on building a strategy that both satisfies employees’ demands and ensure businesses benefits such as a periodical survey to collect feedback from employees, etc.
Source: Bao dau tu