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Business in Post-Covid19: How to Invest In HR to Accelerate Growth Rate?

Business in Post-Covid19: How to Invest In HR to Accelerate Growth Rate?

May 11, 2021

Financial tightening is not about cutting off every expense, but rather making appropriate investment in critical business objectives.

Business in Post-Covid19: How to Invest In HR to Accelerate Growth Rate?

Financial tightening = Appropriate investment

Earlier this year, Vietnam’s economy has made significant recovery, which ignites a positive signal for business’s long term investment. However, many business leaders need to consider between financial tightening and investment in human capital. Thus, financial tightening is “investing appropriately” – only reduce the excess expenditure, and focus budget on necessary objectives to achieve long term strategies.

Business in Post-Covid19: How To Invest In HR To Accelerate Growth Rate?

The rise of outsourcing trends

In fact, utilizing HR outsourcing services can optimize recruitment time, training, and expenses. Ms. Ly Ngoc Tran – HR Outsourcing & Executive Search Services Director of Talentnet comments: “Instead of a temporary solution, HR Outsourcing should be recognized as a major and long-term strategy to support company’s future development plan.” 

Besides HR outsourcing service, payroll outsourcing service is also growing in popularity due to its ability to significantly reduce the administration workload of HR department. Ms. Tran addressed: “By outsourcing payroll tasks and processes to a 3rd party, company’s image in employees’ eyes will be enhance as a more transparent & professional employer.”

Source: Zing News

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