True Gold Fears No Fire, Bold Leaders Fear No Turbulence

May 30, 2022
Responding to post-pandemic workforce disruptions is posing great challenges to the new-age leaders. Should they go with the flow or swim against the tide with breakthrough ideas? This is the testing time for leaders to showcase their ability, sail their businesses through hardship and move forward with confidence.

Go hard or go home – the guideline for turbulent times
The labour market is experiencing drastic and unprecedented changes in the unfolding of Covid-19 crisis. Just in 2021, it was recorded that nearly 119,800 businesses withdrew from the market due to COVID-19 disruptions in their operation and production, as well as the lacking in adaptability to the uncertainties of the pandemic. Furthermore, on the other side, the Great Resignation has been spreading across major economies around the world and is set to continue. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, there were about 4.5 million workers who quit their jobs in March 2022.
Facing such turbulent times, leaders must be brave enough to turn risks into opportunities. This is also the time when they can slow down their work and reflect on what they have done to decide on the adjustment of the strategy and make multidimensional assessments on what they need to emphasize on the road ahead. In this context, bold leadership has become a new effective model of thinking and acting for leaders.
They are people who take radical actions and never give up in the face of challenges or changes of the era. One of the most obvious traits of bold leadership is the determination to renovate their obsolete mindset. According to a Forbes study of 50,000 leaders in all industries around the world, those who demonstrate bold leadership styles are ranked among the top leaders with the best leadership effectiveness and employee engagement. All of which in turn help bold leaders to be more effective at retaining talents.
Those leaders are willing to challenge conventional and rigid strategies and invest in unproven ideas amidst the transition to new normal and beyond. There might be a lot of potential trials and hindrances, but they never stop learning and experimenting until they are able to solve their business problems. By doing this, their companies are brought to a new level in a fiercely competitive market.
4 ways to ignite bold leadership in each leader
Contrary to common belief, bold leadership can also be achieved through training besides being a natural talent. Talentnet suggests 4 methods to help employers think out of the box to make bold decisions and overcome crises.

Get out of the comfort zone
After obtaining significant achievements, businesses may hit a plateau. This is also the time that leaders need to devise a different direction for their business as they can fall behind if they insist on sticking to past victories. Leaders need to think and act “out of the box” at the same time to lead their businesses to success.
Practice critical thinking
A bold leader will further his achievements if he possesses a good critical mindset. On the other hand, leading with reckless and impatient traits is prone to failure. Bold leadership does not mean making decisions impulsively. It is the courage to choose a new approach that brings practical results to businesses.
Charge up employee motivation
There is a popular view that a bold leader should make quick decisions and acts suddenly. The data proves this to be true, but it is not enough. Besides personal qualities, a bold leader is also capable of arousing inspiration, spreading enthusiasm, and helping employees to feel more excited at work. A good leader knows how to motivate their employees to go beyond their limits, and at the same time create psychological safety for employees to freely express their desires and opinions.
Embrace the changes and build up the future
Cultivating an innovative mindset, challenging the conventional approach, and creating an environment for continuous growth is the way to trigger boldness in every leader.
Changes that are supposed to take place in many years are now happening in months or even weeks. However, the greatest risk in turbulent times does not lie in the chaos, but rather the old mindset of leaders who fail to catch up with constant changes. Today leaders need to be open to embracing new ways of working. They also need to understand and empathize with their employees to consolidate cohesion in their business and make bold leaps.
As the economy is still experiencing turbulence after unexpected crises, bold leaders are key for businesses to navigate their operations in a proper way. Talentnet – the leading HR consulting company in providing tailored solutions to cater for every business needs, who can research and develop strategic solutions to promote leadership building and internal cohesion. Contact Talentnet now for more details.