Talentnet-Mercer Rewards Training Workshop: Pay For Position

June 30, 2021
On the 9th and 16th of July 2021, the workshop Pay for position will take place to accompany the business people value insight about payment.

Delivering fair pay and ensuring internal equity have always been crucial deliverables for HR leaders. Acknowledge of such high expectation, Talentnet-Mercer proudly present a series of workshops on Pay For Positions topic, aiming to provide participants with essential tools and methodologies to design a fair and competitive pay.
Pay for position workshop
Language: Vietnamese
Fee: 4,500,000/a registration/workshop
Time: 9AM-5:30PM
Platform: Online (Microsoft Teams)
Trainer: Mr. Le Duc Thuan – Principal Human Capital Solution
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/tTq5ZRMwbN
CONTACT US: Ms. Lưu Tú Dinh – 0767 434 651 – luu.tu.dinh@talentnetgroup.com for more information