#HRmust-know: How Can Talent Mapping Benefit Your Business?

October 5, 2021
Talent mapping is a strategic talent planning process for both short and long term needs which can benefit your business greatly in the new normal.

Many people mistake talent mapping for hiring. When a company is in short of staff, talent mapping is conducted to recruit more staff.
However, talent mapping is a strategic talent planning process for both short and long term needs. Let’s first understand what talent mapping is. And explore what benefits talent mapping can bring to your business.
What is talent mapping?
The end goal of talent mapping is to build solid workforce capabilities for a company. Thus, talent mapping involves finding the right talents, matching the right talents to the right places, and developing top talents throughout their careers.
All mapping opportunities should be made available to every employee in the company. Also talent mapping efforts should be tied to concrete and specific KPIs. Three fundamental tasks are required in the talent mapping process:
- Identify new jobs your company needs for its corporate strategies.
- Build attractive upward and lateral career pathways and share these opportunities to maintain strong talents.
- Update current job classifications and descriptions to better closely match your business plan demands.
Why do you need talent mapping?
Talent mapping evaluates the specific criteria to find the ideal applicant for certain individual’s recruitment KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). This is not simple work, because you have to constantly monitor, verify, validate, and most importantly – you have to become used to this routine. Talent mapping offers three main benefits in today’s recruiting environment:
Fill talent shortages as quickly as possible. Talent mapping helps you plan the resources needed to play a role before the vacancy appears. As businesses collect a pool of candidates and keep in touch with them over time, when a position becomes vacant, companies can quickly choose from the existing database of candidates and fill up the position.
Make the most of top talents at your level. With the use of talent mapping, you are enabled to be more precise in putting the right persons to the right roles. Furthermore, talent mapping also helps leaders to better tie their employees’ performance to visible results that impact the business strategy, which in turn becomes a good indicator to pick the high-potential workers and star performers. You may then use their abilities to prepare them for future leadership roles that are critical to your company’s success.
Prepare human resources for business growth. Leaders can perceive that the value of talent mapping lies directly with the opportunity to prepare for future human capital needs. Talent mapping will enable businesses to identify critical jobs of the future and determine what skills will be required. This information will be used to build the requirements for future workers and development plans accordingly to acquire the needed candidates or train the existing workforce to be up-to-par.
A final thought
Talent mapping gives you a lot of information about possible applicants and has become a crucial component of your recruitment strategy. There is no denying that talent mapping is an excellent approach to see what kind of talent is available and most suited to your company.
Talent mapping is critical at Talentnet, not only in aligning our talent strategy with our business plan, but also in upgrading our talent pools to provide the best services to customers. Contact Talentnet today for more information on developing your international talent management strategy and finding the best applicants. Our executive search and talent mapping initiatives make it easier for you to gain critical information and recruit high-quality individuals to your company. Contact us to find out how we can save you time and resources in recruiting highly qualified staff for your business.