Latest Publication! 2022 Talentnet - Mercer Total Remuneration Survey Report

September 5, 2022
Remuneration, compensation and benefits are always the essential and pivotal elements to retain talents, keep them engaged to contribute to the organization development management. This October, Vietnam’s largest and most comprehensive 2022 Total Remuneration Survey Report conducted by Talentnet-Mercer featuring 470,000+ employees’ data, 100+ benchmarking positions, 16 industries, 600++ companies will be released.

As our salary survey subscriber, our survey report will help you to:
- Access to the WIN (WORKFORCE INTELLIGENCE NETWORK®) system to compare your company’s data directly with your selected markets (two hours of WIN training will be provided)
- Compare your company trendline with your selected market
- Compare each of your employees’ pay with your selected market
- Compare your HR practices and pay policies with the target market
- Use market data to build or update your salary structure in order to maximize your salary and bonus budgets
To order an exclusive Talentnet-Mercer Remuneration Report, please fill in your company information & submit it as follow:
Read more about the highlights of the 2022 Talentnet-Mercer Total Remuneration Survey here!
Ms. Võ Minh Phi Anh – Supervisor, Business Development and Services Excellence